How often should I get a Brazilian Wax?

brazilians faq tips

After providing over 10,000 Brazilians in my tenure, here’s the official answer:

Once every three weeks is most ideal for people in their 20s and 30s. After hitting your mid-late thirties, and as you progress into your 40s, hormone transitions are occurring and you may see your needs for a Brazilian slow. 4 weeks becomes typical at this stage. 

Then, you can see that once you hit 55 and beyond, it’s really about your own personal preference for length and style. Your hair is usually growing less fast and not quite as thickly as it once was--so you can explore your ideal length at this time. 

Do be warned, though - it still gets long and tends to be a bit more straggly than you were used to as a youth.

But anyway. 

As a new client, plan on booking your first three Brazilians: the first one, the 2nd one 3 weeks after that, and your 3rd one 3 weeks following. That’s 3 Brazilians in a 6-week time span. Then you’ll be through the growth cycles, and you’ll have been through the process itself a few times, so your body and your mind are able to have a conscious and intentional discussion on whether Brazilians are really for you or not. 

Yes, they’re for you? 


Now all you have to do is get your regular schedule going forward. 

Book your 4th Brazilian for 4 weeks out and then pay attention to how you like the growth and the pattern and the experience in the treatment room - some people find it to be impossible to wait that long again, while others find the “monthly” approach is great for their wallet and their lifestyle. 

Some people also love to go in every two weeks. They love the stay-fresh feeling and the lack of hair “Down There.” But they also love checking in with there provider and being cognizant of the fact that they’re prioritizing themselves. If it works for your schedule and budget, it may be worth experimenting with the 2-week rhythm. 

Please do be aware, though, that sugaring is much better for the frequent Brazilan-getter than waxing is. I can explain in more detail another day, but for scheduling purposes, WAXING is every 3-4 weeks, while SUGARING can be every 1-5 weeks depending on your sweet spot. 

Hope this helps and let me know what other questions you have!

Happy Friday -